#mundosintrincados #lupaternostro #multimundos #multi-worlds #blackandwhite #art #caminhosdasincertezas

Original: Nanquim sobre papel/ Ink on paper


Uncertainties Path

The path can be defined, but what actually makes it happen is not known for sure. This is the central idea of the “Path of Uncertainties”. The figures squeezed into the texture of the drawing show that we are surrounded by diverse influences that define the sinuous shape of this path without a right guide. From a far you can see an abstract work. Up close, the influences.

The work, by far abstract, hides, at the moment of being, countless stories and characters that are intricate and form a new world that we can perceive only when we see the work more closely.

Caminho das Incertezas

O caminho pode ser definido, mas o que faz com que ele aconteça de fato, não se sabe ao certo. Esta é a ideia central do “Caminho das Incertezas”. As figuras espremidas na textura do desenho mostram que estamos rodeados de influências diversas que definem a forma sinuosa deste caminho sem um guia certo.


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