#mundosintrincados #lupaternostro #multimundos #multi-worlds #blackandwhite #art #geracaoorelha

Original: Nanquim sobre papel/ ink on paper


Ear Generation

The “Ear Generation” represents our defocused brain, full of distractions, the “eared” brain, kind of dumb, technological-urban, that always lives in another place, never here. You are afraid to stop, look around, be a little quiet. Everything seems schizophrenic, fragmented, without principles, without coherence. The “mind-ear” is reactive, acculturated, accommodated and very boring …

The work, by far abstract, hides, at the moment of being, countless stories and characters that are intricate and form a new world that we can perceive only when we see the work more closely.

Geração orelha

A Geração Orelha representa nosso cérebro desfocado, cheio de distrações, o cérebro-“orelhudo”, meio burro, tecnológico-urbano, que vive sempre em um outro lugar, nunca aqui.  Tem medo de parar, olhar o entorno, ficar um pouco quieto.

Tudo parece esquizofrênico, fragmentado, sem princípios, sem coerência.

A “mente-orelha” é reativa, aculturada, acomodada e muito chata…


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